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Case Studies

CODEX Peppol Case Study

Customer Profile:

Codex is one of Ireland’s largest suppliers of office interiors and technology solutions to Private Businesses and the Irish Public Sector.

Business Challenge:

In accordance with the EU Directive on e-Invoicing (2014/55/EU), Public Sector Bodies in Ireland were mandated to be able to receive e-Invoices in Peppol format from suppliers as of April 2019. As Codex is a supplier to the 16 Public Sector Education & Training Boards (ETB) in Ireland it wished to improve efficiencies and send all invoices to the ETB in the approved electronic invoicing form known as Peppol.


After searching the market for an approved Peppol Access PoInt Provider, Codex chose Celtrino who are one of Ireland’s leading e-Invoice and EDI solution providers. Sending e-Invoices via the Peppol standard requires suppliers to engage with an authorised Peppol Access Provider. As the first authorised Peppol Access Point provider in Ireland, Celtrino understood exactly what was required to successfully implement a Peppol e-Invoice relationship between Codex and all the Education & Training Boards.

Business Benefits:

Implementing Peppol e-Invoicing has helped Codex create multiple efficiencies in their procure-to-pay process with the ETB. It has helped to reduce costs, eliminate paper, reduce query times and speed up the flow of goods to all ETB branches. Following the EU mandate on e-Invoicing, more suppliers will follow Codex in becoming Peppol enabled. Engaging with an authorised Peppol Access Point provider enables suppliers to increase efficiencies and open up trading relationships with any Peppol entity across Europe.

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